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v1.2 Changelog

Git commit
Release dateFebruary 2, 2022

Client-Server API

Breaking Changes

  • The prev_content field is now returned inside the unsigned property of events, rather than at the top level, as per MSC3442. (#3524)
  • The aliases property from the chunks returned by /publicRooms, as per MSC2432. (#3624)

New Endpoints

  • Add the Space Hierarchy API (GET /_matrix/client/v1/rooms/{roomId}/hierarchy) as per MSC2946. (#3610)
  • Add /_matrix/client/v1/register/m.login.registration_token/validity as per MSC3231. (#3616)

Backwards Compatible Changes

  • Extend /_matrix/client/r0/login to accept a m.login.appservice, as per MSC2778. (#3324)
  • Add support for restricted rooms as per MSC3083, MSC3289, and MSC3375. (#3387)
  • Add is_guest to /account/whoami as per MSC3069. (#3605)
  • Expand guest access to sending any room event and state event as per MSC3419. (#3605)
  • Add Spaces and room types as per MSC1772 and MSC2946. (#3610)
  • Add new m.set_displayname, m.set_avatar_url, and m.3pid_changes capabilities as per MSC3283. (#3614)
  • Add support for fallback keys (optional keys used once one-time keys run out), as per MSC2732. (#3615)
  • Add token-authenticated registration support as per MSC3231. (#3616)

Spec Clarifications

  • Make AesHmacSha2KeyDescription consistent with KeyDescription in marking name as optional. (#3481)
  • Fix various typos throughout the specification. (#3482, #3495, #3509, #3535, #3591, #3601, #3611, #3671, #3680)
  • Explicitly mention RFC5870 in the definition of m.location events (#3492)
  • Add 403 M_FORBIDDEN error code to /profile/{userId} as per MSC3550. (#3530)
  • Clarify the description of the /sync API, including a fix to an ASCII art diagram. (#3543)
  • Clarify that base_url in client well_known may or may not include trailing slash. (#3562)
  • Clarify which signature to check when decrypting m.olm.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2 messages. (#3573)
  • Clarify what “Stripped State” is and what purpose it serves, as per MSC3173. (#3606)
  • Clarify how to interpret missing one-time key counts. (#3636)
  • Correct the schema for the responses for various API endpoints. (#3650)
  • Clarify that group mentions are no longer in the specification. (#3652)
  • Distinguish between “federation” event format as exchanged by the Federation API, and the “client” event formats as used in the client-server and AS APIs. (#3658)
  • Fix the rendering of the responses for various API endpoints. (#3674)

Server-Server API

New Endpoints

  • Add the Space Hierarchy API (GET /_matrix/federation/v1/hierarchy/{roomId}) as per MSC2946. (#3610, #3660)

Backwards Compatible Changes

Spec Clarifications

  • Fix various typos throughout the specification. (#3527, #3528)
  • Clarify that GET /_matrix/federation/v1/event_auth/{roomId}/{eventId} does not return the auth chain for the full state of the room. (#3583)
  • Fix the rendering of the responses for various API endpoints. (#3674)

Application Service API

Spec Clarifications

  • Distinguish between “federation” event format as exchanged by the Federation API, and the “client” event formats as used in the client-server and AS APIs. (#3658)
  • Fix the rendering of the responses for various API endpoints. (#3674)
  • Correct the documentation for the response value for GET /_matrix/app/v1/thirdparty/protocol/{protocol}. (#3675)

Identity Service API

Backwards Compatible Changes

  • Add the room_type to stored invites as per MSC3288. (#3610)

Spec Clarifications

  • Fix the rendering of the responses for various API endpoints. (#3674)

Push Gateway API

Spec Clarifications

  • Fix the rendering of the responses for various API endpoints. (#3674)

Room Versions

Backwards Compatible Changes

Spec Clarifications

  • Fully specify room versions to indicate what exactly is carried over from parent versions. (#3432, #3661)
  • Clarifications to sections on event IDs and event formats. (#3501)
  • Remove a number of fields which were incorrectly shown to form part of the unsigned data of a Federation PDU. (#3522)
  • Fix heading order of room version specifications to be consistent. (#3683)
  • Add missing “Signing key validity period” section to room version 6. (#3683)
  • Fix auth rules to allow membership of knock -> leave in v7, v8, and v9. (#3694)


Backwards Compatible Changes

  • Describe “Common Namespaced Identifier Grammar” as per MSC2758. (#3171)
  • Describe the matrix: URI scheme as per MSC2312. (#3608)