You're looking at an unstable version of this specification. Unstable specifications may change at any time without notice.

Switch to the current stable release.

Changes since last release

Client-Server API

Spec Clarifications

  • The POST /_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{roomId}/initialSync endpoint is no longer deprecated, as it is still used for peeking. (#2036)
  • Clarify wording in the /join endpoints’ summaries and descriptions. Contributed by @HarHarLinks. (#2038)
  • Clarify formats of string types. (#2046)
  • Fix various typos throughout the specification. (#2047, #2048)
  • Applying redactions is a SHOULD for clients. (#2055)

Server-Server API

Spec Clarifications

  • Remove the origin field in PUT /send_join responses, because it was never sent in the first place. (#2050)

Application Service API

No significant changes.

Identity Service API

No significant changes.

Push Gateway API

No significant changes.

Room Versions

Spec Clarifications

  • Fix various typos throughout the specification. (#2066)


Spec Clarifications

  • Clarify that arbitrary unicode is allowed in user/room IDs and room aliases. (#1506)

Internal Changes/Tooling

Spec Clarifications

  • Generate the changelog release info with Hugo, rather than the changelog generation script. (#2033)
  • Update release steps documentation. (#2041)
  • Remove unused release_date from Hugo config. (#2042)
  • Clarify that v1.0 of Matrix was a release prior to the current global versioning system. (#2045)
  • Fix syntax highlighting and click-to-copy buttons for code blocks by purging less CSS. (#2049)